Tuesday, April 19, 2011

what many people dont tell you about being prego.

so to be honest, for a long time i have always wanted to be a mommy. now is my chance to become a mommy.
but here are some of the things the doc doesn't tell you about being prego, and how your body decides  to get ready for the baby to come. (btw it does it with out your permission). so here it goes. the things docs, or mid wives or even family members don't tell you. so here are 10 things that you need to know before you as a women become prego.

10. swelling of the hands/feet
no one tells you that one day your going to have cankles and your hands are going to be the size of a water melons,instead when it happens your ask how to get rid of the problem. then you tell your doctor and all he/ she will say. " oh its normal. just drink plenty of water" and in the back of your mind, you saying " okay yeah you suck and i am not drinking anymore water than i already am, don't your realize my bladder is the size of a peanut?"
9. where the hell is the bathroom?
as your pregnancy progresses, your bladder is no longer the type that can hold very much. so when you plan a road trip, your constantly thinking," is the pad I'm wearing going  to hold a little bit of pee that comes out." or " okay when we get to this spot, i can take a pee break, don't even think about getting anything else to drink and then when we make another stop, i can pee again. okay sounds like a plan." okay so it seems like it will work out this way and maybe it wont. and that's when your saying. "OH SHIT! know i feel like a little kid, i just new i should have just worn that damn diaper." yes for those of you that don't know,there is such things as adult diapers. lol complements of my job for introducing them to me. :)
8. I'm hungry... an hour later I'm hungry again
so many prego women eat and eat and eat. try to limit it as much as you can. some docs say 2 hours eat every 2 hours. yeah that never works. you'll see a prego girl eat more than her fill and then be hungry 20 min later. it sucks i know but heck someone has to feed you and the kid. 
7. annoyed with everything around you
okay so bitchiness comes in a lot of places and sometimes its the little things that drive you insane. for example " the dog is whining to much shut him up." " OMG clean the damn seat when you pee. i don't want to sit on a nasty seat." "can i find a way to kill someone that you know no one will miss." things like that. then there are the ones that you know your partner is angry and doesn't want to express what there mad about. then you become snappy only because your like " what the Hell" then there's the occasional "i hate you for doing this to me."
6. it takes to tango.
yeah don't forget, you can blame the other for so much, but remember it was not just your partners fault for you getting pregnant. that's the problem with my thought process i blame my love for this even though i know it took two of us to make this beautiful baby girl in my belly.  but by 9 months, you'll be blaming the partner. its very common especially when you feel like its now taking forever. 
5. men= YES DEAR!
haha guys you thought you were getting out of this. when it gets closer to the fact that your beautiful child is coming into this rotten world of ours.  women tend to bitch a whole lot. and the key words you must understand is YES DEAR. just say that with a little smile on there face and then to do what ever she asks.
4. if you iron is low. be expected to take take iron pills.
i hate taking iron pill. leaving you so blooming constipated and having to sit there and strain to get that one little piece of poop out. then it has you thinking..." can i eat this is it going to give me heartburn or make me constipated" then you think heart burn is the least of your worries it's the constipation. only because you don't want to be know as the one to sit there and take forever in the bathroom. 
3. the urge to not have so much sex
sex becomes the last thing on the list of to dos to finish the day out. as your ever loven maybe ready to jump. your thinking, "what the heck do i want to do this for. I'm not interested and i just want to do something else. like for example sleep."
2.sleep is the most important thing of your day
sleep sleep sleep. were not going to get much after the baby is born. but hey sleep when you can. if you have school and work. sleep in between breaks and lunch breaks. so instead of hanging out with your friends and gabbing about American idol and why you hate certain people, go find a quiet spot and relax. its okay. i mean i haven't done it yet. only because i friends that want to talk to me. 
and last but not least 
no one tells you why  you can't sleep well at night. at some point while your sleeping, you actually must wake up to roll onto the other side. it sucks cuz you do a 1,2,3 kind of thing. 
1 wake up
2 roll on you back and breathe
3 then roll on to the other side and breathe 
it happens about every other hour and your like i can't do this anymore. i just want to lay on my stomach and relax. it comes to a point when your like I'm just sleepy, and also you feel like crap in the morning when you know you haven't had enough sleep. 

so there you have it. 10 things no one tells you when your in your 9th month of pregnancy. like i was told. its going to happen and its okay to be scared. but also be patient its completely worth it in the end. 

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